- Perfect your NIH fellowship application by registering for our workshop.
- Attend various upcoming seminars.
- Learn about Audrey Chen Lew's new NSF IUSE award!
- Browse over 5 new funding opportunities, including from the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research and the Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program.
Learn how to apply for NIH F30, F31, F31-D, and F32 fellowships!
Explore various NIH fellowship avenues, learn about the process and due dates, all while receiving expert tips for crafting proposal content.
12PM - 1PM
Neurobiology and Behavior
Rizvi, Batool - Yassa lab
Berisha, Destiny - Yassa lab
Queder, Nazek - Yassa lab
Herklotz Conference Room, Qureshey Research Lab
9AM - 2PM
Interested in Technology Transfer?
Attend Office Hours with UCI’s Beall Applied Innovation
A licensing officer from the Research Translation Group in UCI’s Beall Applied Innovation spends one day every month in BioSci to answer your questions about intellectual property, patenting, conflict of interest, technology transfer, startup companies, etc. and he would like to hear from you! Please feel free to walk in or email him in advance to reserve a meeting time.
4212 Natural Sciences II
3PM - 4PM
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Seminar
Variability and Plasticity in Programmed Cell Death: What it Means for Infection and Immunotherapy
Jennifer Oyler-Yaniv, Harvard Medical School
Professor Oyler-Yaniv's research is dedicated to understanding the intricate dynamics of the immune response and its impact on healthy tissue. Utilizing synthetic biology, advanced imaging techniques, and systems biology, their current work focuses on the spatial organization of immune cells in tissue. They also study how this affects cells phenotypic and functional plasticity during infection and homeostasis.
1114 Natural Sciences I
3PM - 4PM
Ecology and Evolutinary Bology Seminar
A micrometeorological perspective into wildland fire dynamics
Dr. Tirtha Banerjee, University of California, Irvine
Dr. Banerjee's research focuses on exchange of scalar (such as carbon dioxide, heat or trace gases), momentum, and energy between the atmosphere and the elements of the ecosystem such as land, vegetation and water and how it is controlled by turbulence or multi-scale organized eddy motions.
1114 Natural Sciences I
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Seminar
Causes and consequences of biodiversity in mutualisms
Dr. Annika Nelson, University of California, Irvine
Dr. Nelson's research involves combining observational and manipulative field and laboratory experiments, analytical chemistry, and demographic modeling to explore the causes and consequences of variation in plant-animal and insect-microbe mutualisms across space and time.
1114 Natural Sciences I
Audrey Chen Lew Receives Collaborative NSF IUSE: EDU Grant
Audrey Chen Lew, Assistant Professor of Teaching from the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, has received an NSF collaborative grant for Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Directorate for STEM Education (IUSE: EDU).
This grant acknowledges her innovative development of Core Concept Teaching Tools (CCTTs). The CCTTs developed in this project will engage students in the cognitive processes required for transfer (recognition, recall, and application) and will address the principles of Scientific Teaching shown to improve student learning and create inclusive learning environments.
IUSE: EDU grants supports projects to improve STEM teaching and learning for undergraduate students, including studying what works and for whom and how to transform institutions to adopt successful practices in STEM education.
Please join us in acknowledging Professor Lew's accomplishment!
Webinar: Revised Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG)
A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1) has been issued. The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024.
Meeting: March 12th at 2PM EST
Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program
Seeks to increase diversity in the professoriate by supporting early career researchers who show exceptional promise of becoming academic scientists, which includes the potential to build and contribute to an equitable and inclusive scientific culture.
Deadline: February 28, 2024
Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) Grants Program
Seeks to fund cannabis-related studies that further enhance the understanding of the efficacy and adverse effects of cannabis and cannabinoids as pharmacological agents for the treatment of medical and psychiatric disorders, and their potential public health impacts.
LOI deadline: March 1, 2024
Application deadline: April 26, 2024
NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience (D-SPAN) Award (F99/K00)
Supports a defined pathway across career stages for skilled graduate students from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral sciences. This two-phase award will facilitate completion of the doctoral dissertation and transition of talented graduate students to strong neuroscience research postdoctoral positions, and will provide career development opportunities relevant to their long-term career goal of becoming independent neuroscience researchers.
Earliest submission date: March 15, 2024
Administrative Supplements for NCI Division of Cancer Biology Research Programs
Supports collaborative research projects. DCB led or co-led programs appropriate for this opportunity include the Acquired Resistance to Therapy Network (ARTNet), the Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (CSBC), the Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative (TEC), the Cellular Cancer Biology Imaging Research (CCBIR) program, the Epstein Barr Virus Associated Lymphoma Consortium (EALC), the Metabolic Dysregulation and Cancer Risk Program (MeDoC), the Metastasis Research Network (MetNet), the Onco-Aging Consortium (OAC), the Oncology Models Forum (OMF), the Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Stromal Reprogramming Consortium (PSRC), the Patient-Derived Models of Cancer Program (PDMC), the Pediatric Immunotherapy Network (PIN), the Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON), the Program on the Origins of Gastroesophageal Cancers, and the Translational and Basic Science Research in Early Lesions (TBEL) consortium.
Deadline: April 11, 2024
The NCI Transition Career Development Award (K22)
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) represents the continuation of an NCI program to facilitate the transition of investigators in mentored, non-independent cancer research positions to independent faculty cancer research positions. This goal is achieved by providing protected time through salary and research support for the initial 3 years of the first independent tenure-track faculty position, or its equivalent, beginning at the time when the candidate starts a tenure-track faculty position.
Earliest submission date: May 12, 2024
Multi-Scale Models Bridging Levels of Analysis in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD) (R01)
Invites applications proposing to establish multi-scale computational models recapitulating dynamic changes associated with aging and Alzheimers disease and Alzheimers disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD). This broad scope encompasses a variety of computational approachessuch as mathematical and computational modeling, image analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learningto better understand aging processes and AD/ADRD across molecules, cells and networks, and cognition and behavior.
Deadline: June 13, 2024
Mechanistic Investigations into ADRD Multiple Etiology Dementias (R01)
Seeks investigations with a minimum of two relevant co-pathologies (e.g., tau, alpha-synuclein, TDP-43, TMEM106B, vascular), with optional risk factors and co-morbidities, to identify cellular and molecular mechanisms of how/why multi-proteinopathy interactions drive worsening neurodegenerative processes and phenotypic outcomes. Studies should examine co-pathology cellular and molecular interactions across brain regions and time in proximate cell population, across various intracellular dynamics and localization, and upstream and downstream from aggregated protein states to determine what events lead to worse phenotypic outcomes.
Deadline: October 04, 2024