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Q2 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Awards

 ( Updated quarterly )



PIFellowship RecipientDepartmentProject TitlePrime SponsorSponsorNIH MechanismAward Type
Symons, CeliaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyTrait-based recovery trajectories of prey communities following top predator removalNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONNew
Plikus, MaksimDevelopmental & Cell BiologyCollaborative Research: EDGE CMT: Shared genetic and cellular mechanisms of vertebrate limb and fin regenerationNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONNew
Thompson, LeslieNeurobiology & BehaviorCZI Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Award Mentorship ProgramSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONNew
Sorte, CascadeEcology & Evolutionary BiologyGraduate Assistance in Areas of National NeedU.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIESNew
Morrissette, NaomiMolecular Biology & BiochemistryGAANN Graduate Fellowships for Training in Molecular Biology and BiochemistryU.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIESNew
Treseder, KathleenEcology & Evolutionary BiologyThe Buried Solution for Agricultural Resilience: How Can Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Improve Outcomes for Small Family Farms?SILLS FAMILY FOUNDATIONBOSTON FOUNDATION, INC.New





Q2 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Proposals



( Updated quarterly )


PIDepartmentProject TitlePrime SponsorSponsorNIH MechanismProposal Type
Thompson, LeslieNeurobiology & BehaviorCZI Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Award Mentorship ProgramSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONCHAN ZUCKERBERG INITIATIVE, LLCNew
Whiteson, KatrineMolecular Biology & BiochemistryBacteriophages, antibiotics, and small-molecule adjuvants against antibiotic resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophiliaNATIONAL CYSTIC FIBROSIS FOUNDATIONNew
Daley, MonicaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyTitle TBD: Wireless measurement of muscle dynamics in nonsteady conditionsNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITYNew
Nicholas, DequinaMolecular Biology & BiochemistrySIDEP Travel Award 2024-2025JOHNSON & JOHNSON INNOVATION LLCNew
Gaut, BrandonEcology & Evolutionary BiologyRESEARCH-PGR: Connecting Drought Response toGenetic Diversity across North American species ofthe model genus VitisNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONNew
Sato, BrianMolecular Biology & BiochemistryStudent Perceptions of Faculty Practice, Affect and EBTs on SuccessBILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATIONUC SAN DIEGONew
Blurton-Jones, MathewNeurobiology & BehaviorExamining the role of microglial-derived tau in Frontotemporal DementiaNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSWASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUISNew
Lane, ThomasNeurobiology & BehaviorThe effect of coronavirus infection of the central nervous system on Alzheimer's disease pathologyNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
German, DonovanEcology & Evolutionary BiologyIncreasing White Abalone Captive Production for RestorationMARINE FISHERIES SERVICEUC DAVISNew
Lodoen, MelissaMolecular Biology & BiochemistryT. gondii effects on amyloid in human alzheimer's diseaseINFECTIOUS DISEASES SOCIETY OF AMERICANew
Wood, MarceloNeurobiology & BehaviorRole of CREST in cognitive agingNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Goulding, CeliaMolecular Biology & BiochemistryDiscovery and characterization of proteins required for Mycobacterium tuberculosis heme degradation.NIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Atwood, ScottDevelopmental & Cell BiologyKeratinocyte extrusion mediates tumor suppressionNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Inlay, MatthewMolecular Biology & BiochemistryEx vivo graft conditioning of human and mouse donor cells to address graft-versus-host disease and graft-versus-leukemia in xenogeneic and haploidentical transplantationNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Swarup, VivekNeurobiology & BehaviorCross-species multiscale models of microglia's role in heterogeneous AD progressionNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAINew
Swarup, VivekNeurobiology & BehaviorDeciphering Spatially resolved Oligodendrocyte Heterogeneityin Alzheimer's DiseaseNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Cho, KenDevelopmental & Cell BiologyDecoding ectodermal differentiation through single cell genomicsNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Tinoco, RobertoMolecular Biology & BiochemistryHMGB2 Chromatin Regulation of the Differentiation and Programming of Exhausted T CellsNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Kong, MeiMolecular Biology & BiochemistryMetabolic therapy for pseudomyxoma peritoneiNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Suetterlin, ChristineDevelopmental & Cell BiologyAnalysis of inclusion membrane microdomains in ChlamydiaNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Halbrook, ChristopherMolecular Biology & BiochemistryUncovering the oncogenic Kras-regulated microproteome in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaAMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, INC.New
Sun, ShaDevelopmental & Cell BiologyFunctional Analysis of XIST lncRNA in Ovarian Cancer- Insights into Cancer Stem Cell Maintenance and Therapeutic ImplicationsAMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, INC.New
Thompson, LeslieNeurobiology & BehaviorTDP-43 aggregation and m6A methylation in Huntington's DiseaseNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Kong, MeiMolecular Biology & BiochemistryUsing pioglitazone to treat colorectal cancerAMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, INC.New
Kong, MeiMolecular Biology & BiochemistryExploring the Role of Tumor-Derived Ketones in Cancer-Associated CachexiaAMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, INC.New
Edinger, Aimee LaraDevelopmental & Cell BiologyImproving oligonucleotide therapeutic delivery in cancer patientsAMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, INC.New
Plikus, MaksimDevelopmental & Cell BiologyLeading Edge Propagation Mechanism of Human Keloid ScarsNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSUC RIVERSIDENew
Atwood, ScottDevelopmental & Cell BiologyPhosphoregulation of GLI1 processing and activityNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSRenewal
Thompson, LeslieNeurobiology & BehaviorCommon and distinct TDP-43 neuropathologies and mechanisms in Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and Huntington's Disease (HD)NIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Fowler, ChristieNeurobiology & BehaviorThe impact of novel coolants on the addiction liability of nicotine productsUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTNew
Thompson, LeslieNeurobiology & BehaviorPost translational modifications as a therapeutic target for Huntington's DiseaseA.P. GIANNINI FOUNDATIONNew
Chrastil, LizNeurobiology & BehaviorSpatial navigation, sex hormones, and the aging brainNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSUC SANTA BARBARANew
Sumikawa, KatumiNeurobiology & BehaviorDevelopmental nicotine exposure and epigenetic priming in reward-related neural circuitsUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTNew
Swarup, VivekNeurobiology & BehaviorExploring the Role of Elevated Microglial BIN1 Expression in Alzheimer's Disease PathophysiologyNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSUNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDANew
Mortazavi, AliDevelopmental & Cell BiologyComparative analyses of RNA modifications during aging and diseaseNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Thompson, LeslieNeurobiology & BehaviorIdentify disease targets and perturbagens that modulate XDP-disease phenotypes with a pooled CRIPSRi screen combined with robotic microscopy and spatial transcriptomics using human postmortem brain tissues and human in vitro XDP cell modelsTHE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATIONNew
Wood, MarceloNeurobiology & BehaviorCircuit and molecular mechanisms of reinstatement of cocaine seeking behaviorNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Nie, QingDevelopmental & Cell BiologyDevelopment of software for robust cell-cell communication analysis, representation, and visualization for single-cell and spatial omics dataNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITYNew
Hughes, ChristopherMolecular Biology & BiochemistryEndothelial progenitor cells and neurovascular injury in the aging brainNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSUNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIANew
Swarup, VivekNeurobiology & BehaviorAdvancing a lead vector for therapeutic gene-editing in Alzheimer's diseaseNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSUC SAN DIEGONew
Tinoco, RobertoMolecular Biology & BiochemistryMetabolic Regulation by SAPS3 of Virus-specific T cell ImmunityNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Schilling, ThomasDevelopmental & Cell BiologyRole and Regulation of Cellular Polarity in Craniofacial SkeletogenesisNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSRenewal
Wood, MarceloNeurobiology & BehaviorInvestigating the interface of epigenetics and metabolism underlying memory formation in the adult and aging brainA.P. GIANNINI FOUNDATIONNew
Tinoco, RobertoMolecular Biology & BiochemistryReversing myeloid cell PSGL-1 immune inhibitory pathways in melanomaMELANOMA RESEARCH ALLIANCENew
Blurton-Jones, MathewNeurobiology & BehaviorDeciphering mechanisms of protective microglial responses in ADALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND RELATED DISORDERS ASSOCIATION, INC.New
Faiola, CeliaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyConnecting ecologically driven changes in plant emissions to atmospheric chemistry and aerosol propertiesDEPARTMENT OF ENERGY/MISCELLANEOUS OFFICES AND PROGRAMSNew
Cocco, MelanieMolecular Biology & BiochemistryEquipment: MRI: Acquisition of Helium Recovery Equipment: NMRs in UC Irvine Natural Sciences 1NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONNew
Green, KimNeurobiology & BehaviorInvestigating the molecular mechanisms of the microglial Abi3S212F variantALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND RELATED DISORDERS ASSOCIATION, INC.New
Symons, CeliaEcology & Evolutionary BiologyLTREB: Stability of a mountain lake meta-ecosystem under extreme spatial and temporal climate variabilityNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONUC SAN DIEGONew
Halbrook, ChristopherMolecular Biology & BiochemistryDisrupting Myeloid Mitochondrial Metabolism in Pancreatic CancerNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSSupplement
Lara Gonzalez, PabloDevelopmental & Cell BiologyDevelopmental regulation of the cell cycle machineryNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSSupplement
Fowler, ChristieNeurobiology & BehaviorBehavioral mechanisms and circuity underlying the effect of psilocybin as a treatment for nicotine addictionNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSVIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITYNew
Lur, GyorgyNeurobiology & BehaviorUnderlying mechanisms of stress-induced alterations of inhibitory control in the posterior parietal cortexNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Lane, ThomasNeurobiology & BehaviorCystatin F expression on microglia is critical for constraining demyelination following viral infection of the central nervous systemNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Halbrook, ChristopherMolecular Biology & BiochemistryTargeting Chemoresistance in Pancreatic CancerNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Swarup, VivekNeurobiology & BehaviorAdvancing a lead vector for therapeutic gene-editing in Alzheimer's diseaseNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSUC SAN DIEGONew
Grill, JoshuaNeurobiology & BehaviorThe Alzheimer's Disease Tau Platform Clinical Trial (ATP)NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGINGUC SAN FRANCISCORenewal
Yassa, MichaelNeurobiology & BehaviorAugMind: An Ultrabrief Digital Cognitive Screening for Memory Loss in Primary Care SettingsNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSAUGNITION LABS LLCNew
Schechtman, EitanNeurobiology & BehaviorInvestigating the role of multi-sensory cueing in strengthening spatial memory representations during sleep, using an immersive virtual environment.SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY FOUNDATIONNew
Schilling, ThomasDevelopmental & Cell BiologyThe Role of Dlx5/6 in Early Cranial Neural Crest Migration and Fate SpecificationNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Tinoco, RobertoMolecular Biology & BiochemistryRevitalizing the Melanoma Immune Microenvironment by Inhibiting the PSGL-1 PathwayNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Mcnulty, ReginaldMolecular Biology & BiochemistryElucidating the structure and mechanism of NLRP3 Pyrin domain with oxidized DNANIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Whiteson, KatrineMolecular Biology & BiochemistryIdentifying Therapeutic and Diagnostic Targets of Alzheimer's Disease through a Comparative Analysis of Mouse Models and Human DataNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Lane, ThomasNeurobiology & BehaviorEvaluating the role of inflammatory myeloid cells on impacting amyloid-beta pathology during viral encephalitis.NIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Wood, MarceloNeurobiology & BehaviorInvestigating the interface between epigenetics and metabolismunderlying memory formation in the adult and aging brainNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Sun, ShaDevelopmental & Cell BiologyCharacterizing Xist expression in male white-footed deermouse (Peromyscus leucopus)NIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Swarup, VivekNeurobiology & BehaviorIntegrative Transcriptomic Profiling: Characterizing Cell-Type Specific Signatures in AD and AD subtypingNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Stark, CraigNeurobiology & BehaviorDeveloping novel cognitive measure for diagnosis and monitoring of Alzheimer's diseaseNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Thompson-Peer, KatherineDevelopmental & Cell BiologyThe regulation of dendrite regeneration by the tissue environment: a focus on integrins and slitNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Fowler, ChristieNeurobiology & BehaviorIntersection of lynx cholinergic modulation and social behavior in alcohol drinkingNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Schilling, ThomasDevelopmental & Cell BiologyInvestigating Gene Regulatory Differences Between Skeletal and Non-skeletal Tendon Attachment DevelopmentNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSNew
Connor, KwasiEcology & Evolutionary BiologyMolecular Anticipatory Responses in Facultative Anaerobic MusselsNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONNew
Martiny, AdamEcology & Evolutionary BiologyCollaborative Research: Large-scale nutritional ecology of diverse phytoplanktonNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONNew
Razorenova, OlgaMolecular Biology & BiochemistryMitochondrial Src activates OxPhos in triple-negative breast cancerELSA U. PARDEE FOUNDATIONNew
Chrastil, LizNeurobiology & BehaviorPrecision mapping of the maternal brain and perinatal depressionNIH/MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES & DEPARTMENTSUC SANTA BARBARANew