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Core Facilities

The Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences supports various research facilities across the UC Irvine campus. These core facilities house a wide variety of instruments that enable faculty and researchers to perform cutting-edge research. Some are also used for educational and training purposes.

Bio Sci’s core facilities include the following locations available for faculty use. Please contact each one directly for more information. For additional research facilities, please check with the School of Physical Sciences facilities and School of Medicine facilities.

Bio Cluster

The Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences owns a High Performance Computing Cluster that supplements the computational pipelines of the Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics.

Biomolecular Spectrometry Facility

This facility houses two instruments, an 800 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer for the study of molecular structure and a Biacore 300 instrument that measures molecular interactions and binding affinity.

Campus Center for Neuroimaging

CCNI offers imaging resources to UCI’s research community and provides a means for the development and integration of neuroimaging across campus.

Experimental Tissue Resource

ETR offers four major types of service: Tissue Procurement and interpretive histopathology consultation, tissue histology and immunohistochemical services, laser capture microscopy, and mouse pathology services.

Facility for Imaging and Brain Research (FIBRE)

FIBRE has a 3T Siemens Prisma scanner, a mock scanner, and data analysis facilities.

Genomics High-Throughput Facility

The GHTF offers microarray and DNA sequencing support to prepare mRNA, small RNA, genomic, ChIP, methyl and exome sequencing libraries.

Irvine Materials Research Institute

IMRI operates open-access user facilities for the characterization of inorganic, organic, and biological materials and devices ranging from sub-atomic to macroscopic length scales.

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Facility 

IRMS houses instrumentation that prepares and analyzes gases, organic matter, inorganic samples, and water for stable isotope analysis.

Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics (LFD)

LFD maintains a laboratory for fluorescence measurements with resources for spectroscopy, microscopy, biochemistry, cell culture, and data analysis.

Mass Spectrometry Facility

This facility provides analytical services on a wide variety of mass spectrometry platforms.

Neuroscience Imaging Center (NIC) 

NIC has both a High Resolution Research Tomography (HRRT) PET scanner and a 3T Philips Achieva MRI scanner.

Optical Biology Core Facility 

OBC has multiple instruments applicable to biological applications including a Zeiss LSM 780 and LSM 700, and a Leica SP8 confocal microscope, as well as additional facilities to support Multi-Dimensional Microscopy (MDM).

Preclinical and Translational Neuroimaging Center ­

This Center aims to advance scientific discovery that impacts the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human disease by providing state-of-the-art small animal imaging technology.

Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry Facility 

UCI’s Center for Virus Research has instruments for protein identification, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI-TOF).

Stem Cell Core Facility 

This facility offers stem cell technology and resources to support developmental and molecular genetics, cell culture and cell sorting, imaging, high-throughput platforms, and bioinformatics.

Transgenic Mouse Facility 

TMF provides services for making, breeding, genotyping, importing, and preserving genetically-modified mice and embryonic stem cells.


UC-CORE is a compendium of core facilities on campuses of the University of California that are tailored towards translational resources pertaining to the drug discovery and development pipeline.

University Laboratory Animal Resources 

ULAR provides a top quality animal care program that promotes integrity and excellence in research and teaching in the biological and medical sciences.