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Dunlop School faculty members can find support for their projects from various UC Irvine entities. Most calls for proposals are announced via email, but you can browse the websites below to learn more

Faculty members are encouraged to consult with the Pre-Award Team when creating budgets for these proposals, even though they may not be routed through Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA). The Pre-Award Team can provide valuable guidance on budget development and compliance. Additionally, faculty members can reach out to the Research Development Team for assistance with developing competitive proposals.

Current Programs

Bridge Funding

Bridge, or gap, funding is a type of financial support provided to a faculty member whose fruitful research project no longer has extramural funding due to a lapse in support. Bridge funding can sustain an ongoing project until the PI can obtain new extramural funding. The Office of Research has a program that provides one-time support to assist with re-establishing external funding.

Faculty Research, Travel and Computing

Dunlop School supports the research, travel, and computing needs of its faculty members. Faculty members receive a call for proposals in late November/early December with details about available funds and the application process.

Proof-of-Product (POP) Grants

Administered annually through Beall Applied Innovation, POP grants offer up to $100,000 to support the commercialization of research projects.

Seed Funding

Seed funding is a type of financial support provided to a faculty member to kickstart a research project. Once a project has gained sufficient momentum through the seed funds, the PI can then seek extramural funding. The Office of Research typically releases annual calls for seed funding.

Society of Hellman Fellows Program

Full-time, non-tenured, ladder rank assistant professors are encouraged to apply for Hellman Fellowship funding through Academic Personnel. These awards, which range from $10,000 to $50,000, cover research expenses, including a portion for summer salary and childcare during research.

Past Programs

BioSci-SOM Pilot Funding

The Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences and School of Medicine released a call for proposals to fund research projects that brought together faculty members from the two schools to solve a common problem.